Wednesday, September 12, 2012


This is another post with the same title as a Danish one I wrote. After a reader's comment I updated this post, she made me realize that the Danish post had a lot more questions, so I tried to put some of these in this post as well.

This is a phenomenon I would love to hear your thought about. Of course I've experienced prayer in the church, and participated in it as well, but it is one of those very hard to pin down things, since most of what's going on while praying, is taking place inside people. As an anthropologist I'm supposed to do what we call "participant observation", and the participating part of this is very important. We believe that through participating, doing the same things, eating the same food etc. you gain a greater knowledge and understanding, than you would be able to, had you just observed. So I participate, but mostly I just do what I can see other people do. I don't know what is means to them, what they are thinking while praying. So I need your help.

- How do you pray? 
- Is there a difference between how you pray at home and in church?
- How do you get your answer?
- Can you tell me about a specific experience with prayer?

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