Sunday, December 9, 2012


I read an article about mission "methods" in the LDS, and one of them was to spread the word of the gospel through friendships. Many of the converts I have met, found the church via friends, and it seems to be a "natural" way of getting to know the church and the faith. I have also read this article by President Eberhard, that step by sted explains how to go about sharing the gospel to friends. Another term I have stumbled upon is the frase "friending". Is this a word that members use, or is it only non-members taht use it to describe the method of mission within friendships?

1 comment:

  1. "Friending" isn't a standardized word used in every location of the church. Befriending is important, because that's how most people feel loved and welcome at the church. We as Latter-day Saints try our best to allow people to feel of the goodness of the church (the people and the doctrine) and then allow them to decide on their own to become part of it.


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